PTSA hosting Teacher Luncheon Dec. 8
Bowie PTSA is hosting a holiday luncheon for the teachers and staff on Friday, Dec. 8, 2017. This festive event will be catered by...
Bowie Blast - con't. Nov. 13
The Lone Star recognized by Columbia Scholastic Press Association... Congratulations to our James Bowie High School yearbook, The Lone...
Bowie Blast -- week of Nov. 26
The Sounds of the Orchestra… Region 18 Orchestra performed at the Full Orchestra Auditions at Anderson HS. This was a blind audition...
Bowie Blast - Week of Nov. 12
Orchestra All-State Results… At the All-State Orchestra auditions, students submit a recording of eight different tracks and audition...
Bowie Blast - Week of Nov. 5
Bowie Forensics Takes 2nd Overall… A small group of the Bowie Forensics team traveled to Saint Mary's Hall in San Antonio to compete in a...