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The PTSA of Bowie High School on Slaughter Lane, would like to raise cash funds in exchange for some great marketing in your area to our more than 2,900+ Bulldog families and possibly all those that drive down busy Slaughter Lane!

We would take those cash funds and use them to further the learning and growth of our 2,900+ thoughtful, passionate students and support our 235+ amazing teachers and staff.

One way we could do this is through your Business Sponsorships. You will in exchange receive recognition throughout the school year AND at PTSA events – like Bulldogs & Hot Dogs, Back to School and the Homecoming dance. We have all levels of sponsorship from $100 and up. Platinum Sponsors of $1,000+ will also receive premier vinyl branded signage on the fence facing Slaughter Lane, a street traversed by tens of thousands of cars a day. The list of sponsor benefits are detailed in part below. 

To put some numbers to the list of benefits to Platinum sponsors:

  • Vinyl Branded Signage along Slaughter Lane (for an idea on traffic: TXDOT measured traffic in July 2022 and approximately 23,000+ cars traveled Slaughter Lane directly in front of Bowie High School daily!)

  • Listing on sponsor page

  • Social Media Recognition on all of the school's Facebook pages with more than 2,400 followers

  • Recognition at Fundraising Events. Bulldogs & Hot Dogs, a community event with approximately 2,000+ attendees, and the Homecoming dance with lots of parent volunteers attending.

  • Inclusion on each PTSA weekly email to the 2,900+  Bulldog Families, which means more than 40 emails throughout the school year

  • Dedicated Email to all Bulldog Families announcing our Platinum Bulldog Sponsors

All the above would provide great face time with our 2,500+ Bulldog families and students as well as the 235+ staff and teachers. 

100% of the money raised through our business and family sponsors of the Bowie High School PTSA goes directly to programs that benefit our students and teachers. The Bowie PTSA is a tax-exempt 501c3 organization, therefore all donations made to the PTA are tax deductible.

Any donation would go a very long way to help Bowie PTSA fill the gap in funding and provide much needed programming and support for our more than 2,900+ students and 235+ staff and teachers. 

Specifically, your donation would help provide these things:

  • providing for educational motivational outside speakers

  • covering teacher classroom stipends

  • paying for additional PTSA scholarships for Seniors

  • Library support funds

  • and much more!


Thank you very much for your time and any support you may be able to give our school. Your contribution will help our students get the quality education they need to be successful.



We will promote your name and/or business as listed below. To become a sponsor click the PayPal link below. If you have questions, please email the Bowie PTSA president at 


  • Platinum – $1,000

  • Diamond - $500

  • Gold - $300

  • Silver - $100


Platinum Sponsors

  • Premier Vinyl Branded Signage on the fence facing Slaughter Lane for the school year

  • Dedicated Email to all Bulldog Families announcing our Platinum Bulldog Sponsors

  • Sign displayed at Bulldogs & Hot Dogs and the Homecoming dance

  • Bowie PTSA Bulletin (to over 2,900+ parents & staff), 

  • Bowie Facebook post

  • Website Logo: posted on sponsor page


Diamond Sponsors

  • Sign displayed PTSA events

  • Bowie PTSA Bulletin (to over 2,900+ parents & staff) 

  • Bowie Facebook post

  • Website Logo: posted on sponsor page


Gold Sponsors

  • Bowie Facebook post 

  • Website Logo: posted on sponsor page

Silver Sponsors

  • Website Logo: posted on sponsor page

Become a PTSA Sponsor today!

Select your level below. 

© Bowie PTSA Volunteers

 4103 W. Slaughter Ln  Austin, TX 78749

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