Bowie Blast - Week of Feb 18
We are proud of our Bulldogs and encourage teachers and coaches to submit news to Mr. Robinson's office!
Mountain Bike Team:
The team recently competed at Reveille Park Ranch in Burnet. Congratulations to the following cyclists on placing!
3rd place SAWYER BOYD JV1 Boys 4th place ADAM REED JV1 Boys D1 5th place JACK WINSKOWICZ JV1 Boys D1 6th place KAISER KOTHMANN JV1 Boys D1 2nd place ARCHER MYERS Freshman Boys D1 3rd place CLIFFORD JOHNSON JV2 Boys D1 9th place GAVIN SPENCER JV1 Boys D1 10th place JACOB ANKELE JV1 Boys D1 6th place GAVIN ROBINSON Freshman Boys D1 18th place ANDRIUS VELEZ Varsity Boys 13th place BENJAMIN CARROLL JV1 Boys D1 9th place ZAC DOYLE